"Heart Eyes" is an upcoming horror romantic comedy that intertwines the thrills of a slasher film with the charm of a love story. Directed by Josh Ruben, known for "Scare Me" and "Werewolves Within," the film is set against the backdrop of Seattle and follows two co-workers, portrayed by Olivia Holt and Mason Gooding, who find themselves mistaken for a couple by the notorious Heart Eyes Killer on Valentine's Day. As the night unfolds, they must navigate a series of terrifying events to survive.
The screenplay, crafted by Phillip Murphy, Christopher Landon, and Michael Kennedy, promises a unique blend of horror and romantic comedy elements. The supporting cast includes Jordana Brewster, Gigi Zumbado, and Devon Sawa, each bringing depth to this genre-bending narrative.
Filming took place in New Zealand in mid-2024, with cinematographer Stephen Murphy contributing to the film's intense atmosphere. Produced by Spyglass Media Group and Divide/Conquer, "Heart Eyes" is set to follow in the footsteps of successful horror-comedies, offering both scares and laughs.
Director Josh Ruben expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, "My love of horror is rivaled only by my love of romantic comedies. I’m excited as hell to mount my most challenging genre-bender to date, a brutal slasher in a nostalgic rom-com universe."
"Heart Eyes" is scheduled for release on February 14, 2025, aligning perfectly with Valentine's Day. The film's unique premise and talented cast have generated significant anticipation among audiences. As the release date approaches, viewers can look forward to a film that skillfully balances horror and romance, providing a fresh take on both genres.
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