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“Gone Girl” Movie Review


“Gone Girl”


Movie Review



Based on Gillian Flynn's novel of the same name, Gone Girl is a 2014 American psychological thriller movie that was directed by David Fincher and written by Flynn. Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Tyler Perry, Ben Affleck, and Carrie Coon are among its cast members. In the film, Nick Dunne played by Ben Affleck becomes the prime suspect in the sudden disappearance of his wife, Amy played by Rosamund Pike in Missouri. In October, Gone Girl was made available. It is regarded as a postmodern mystery and was a critical and financial triumph.

The movie's plot is as follows: Nick Dunne, a writing professor, goes home for their fifth wedding anniversary to discover his wife Amy has vanished. The news media covers her disappearance since Amy served as the model for her parents' well-known Amazing Amy children's books. Inadequately covered-up signs of a scuffle are discovered in the home by Detective Rhonda Boney. Because of his lack of concern for Amy's absence, Nick is viewed as a suspect in the media.

Amy previously admitted to Nick that Amazing Amy was a perfected version created from the mistakes of the real Amy. Over time, their marriage fell apart; both lost their jobs as a result of the economic downturn, and they relocated from New York City to Nick's hometown of North Carthage, Missouri, in order to care for his ailing mother. Amy grew angry with Nick for moving her to Missouri as he grew distant from her and started an affair with one of his students, Andie.

Clean bloodstains found during the forensic examination of the home point to homicide. Boney finds proof of Amy's recent procurement of a pistol, financial problems, and marital problems. Nick denies being aware of Amy's pregnancy, despite medical reports to the contrary.

Nick explains that Amy had created intricate treasure hunts every year on their anniversary, which he frequently couldn't complete. This year, Amy appears to have hidden each clue in locations where Nick and Andie had had sex, giving Nick and the audience the impression that she was aware of his relationship. Along with the hints, Nick also finds stashed in his twin sister Margo's woodshed goods worth thousands of dollars that he had bought using his credit card. Authorities are finally able to locate a partially burned diary that recounts Amy's growing terror of Nick and concludes with a genuine concern that Nick will kill her.

Amy takes a car to Ozarks camping. It is revealed that Amy devised a complex plot to frame Nick for her murder after learning about his affair. In the diary, she gave a false account of their connection by adding more than 300 entries to support it. She convinces Nick to approve an increase in her life insurance while he is preoccupied, and she secretly runs up thousands of dollars in credit card debt in his name. Unknown to Nick, she had made friends with one of the neighbors next door to tell her tales about Nick's temper and steal her pee to fudge pregnancy tests. She did this because she knew it would give her abduction a sympathetic spin in the media. She then hid proof of Nick's wrongdoing in the "treasure hunt" clue locations, hoping the police would locate them. Amy drained and spattered her own blood throughout the kitchen the morning of her abduction, then haphazardly wiped it up. She had planned to kill herself once Nick was captured so that he would undoubtedly be executed because she knew he would be charged with killing her.

Nick convinces Margo of his innocence by inferring Amy's plan. He flies to New York City and engages Tanner Bolt, a lawyer famed for defending men accused of killing their wives, as a result of heightened media attention and at his sister's request. Also, Tommy O'Hara, whom Amy had falsely accused of rape after he ended their relationship, is introduced to Nick by Amy. O'Hara recounts how Amy visited his flat one evening and began the rough sexual activity with him. The following day, she claimed to have "rape wounds" in her vagina, and she produced O'Hara's semen as evidence. O'Hara acknowledges that he came to the conclusion that Amy had "upgraded from being raped to being killed" after seeing the TV coverage of Amy's abduction and the following accusation of Nick. After that, Nick attempts to speak with a wealthy ex-boyfriend named Desi Collings, whom Amy had accused of stalking her, but Desi sends him away.

Amy phones Desi for assistance after being robbed by campsite neighbors and persuades him that she ran away from Nick's brutality. Desi consents to conceal her at his lakeside home. Nick chooses to appear on a well-known talk show and confess his affair before it is covered by the media in order to take control of the story. Yet just before his show is scheduled to run, Andie admits to having an affair. Despite this, Nick reiterates his intention to go with the interview and does so, reiterating his innocence and professing regret for his marital failures. Knowing that Amy will be watching, he does this to tempt her out of hiding.


The interview goes well, and Nick gains a lot of support. Nevertheless, upon Nick's return to Missouri, Boney has gathered enough proof to place both Nick and Margot in jail for Amy's murder. The following morning, Bolt posts bail for him, but it appears that any momentum they had from the interview has been squandered. Meanwhile, Amy at the lake house discovers Desi's plan to keep her there so they can forcibly restart their relationship. After seeing Nick's interview, Amy makes the decision to give him another chance and starts organizing her escape plan. Amy makes bruises on her wrists and inside her vagina in order to make it seem as though Desi kidnapped and sexually assaulted her using the lakehouse's security cameras. Later, once she's started having sexual relations with Desi, she slices his neck just as she's reaching her climax. As she arrives home, Nick is waiting for her, covered in Desi's blood, and she passes out in his arms in front of a crowd of cameras and photographers, clearing Nick of any wrongdoing and putting Desi on the hook for the kidnapping.

The presence of Desi's semen and the injuries she sustained are consistent with rape, according to the medical examiners. Amy misrepresents what happened during her "kidnapping" to Boney and other FBI agents. Amy responds by labeling Boney incompetent when the latter brings up the discrepancies in her account. Nick's accusation gets thrown out. As they get back home, Amy tells Nick the truth and confesses to killing Desi. She claims that hearing him beg for her to come back on the talk program motivated her to forgive him since that was the Nick she wanted. Nick tells Boney, Bolt, and Margo about it, but there is no proof of her culpability. Bolt departs, and Boney declares that the FBI has closed the case.

Nick plans to leave Amy and reveal her story in a live television interview at their house in the months after she returns. Amy foresees this and announces the morning of the interview that she is pregnant after artificial insemination using Nick's saved sperm. As Amy insists that they should keep their marriage intact, Nick reacts angrily yet feels responsible for the child. Margo is depressed, but Nick ultimately decides to stay with Amy. To the host's pleasure, the couple tells viewers to live on television that they are expecting a child. Nick is clearly upset, but Amy still exudes success.

Rosamund Pike received nominations for the Academy Award, BAFTA, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild awards in the Best Actress categories as a result of the critical acclaim she received for her portrayal. Fincher was also nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Director, while Flynn's adapted screenplay, which won the Critics' Choice Award, was also nominated for a Golden Globe, a BAFTA, and three Critics Choice Awards.





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