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“100 Days to Live” Movie Review


“100 Days to Live”


Movie Review



American crime thriller 100 Days to Live was written and directed by Ravin Gandhi. Dr. Rebecca Church, portrayed by Heidi Johanningmeier, is kidnapped by a serial killer played by Gideon Emery while she is engaged to Gabriel Weeks, played by Colin Egglesfield. The film was made available in February 2021.


After her mother committed suicide when Rebecca was nine years old, Dr. Rebecca Church made it her life's work to prevent suicide. After Gabriel Weeks, Rebecca's new fiancé, is taken hostage, Rebecca discovers a photo album titled "Gabriel Was Saved." According to the police, "The Savior," a serial murderer who pursues and takes pictures of his victims for 100 days before kidnapping and killing them, is the culprit. The police tell Rebecca this information. Rebecca is informed by Detective Jack Byers that the Savior specifically targets persons who have previously tried suicide. Jack is informed by Rebecca that Gabriel sought assistance from her clinic after his wife and children passed away in order to attempt suicide. Gabriel asks Rebecca out the following day, sparking a quick romance and eventual proposal.


Rebecca learns that the Savior is Victor Quinn, a former colleague with whom she worked on suicide prevention, who holds himself responsible for people who committed suicide despite his efforts. Victor shot himself out of guilt, and Rebecca believed he had passed away. Victor has applied for positions as a suicide prevention counselor, which the police find to be evidence that he is still alive. Rebecca verifies that Gabriel had contacted a suicide hotline, proving Victor is successful in finding victims.


Victor calls Rebecca while he is driving with an unconscious Gabriel after Rebecca discovers his phone number in her old files. Victor claims that although he survived the gunshot, he spent 100 days in a coma and was tormented by visions of deceased patients. When Victor came to, he encountered Barbara Roberts, who would later become his first victim. Rebecca is shown photo albums by the police that include Barbara and other victims who have all endured 100 days of stalking. Prior to killing Gabriel, Victor calls Rebecca again and inquires about Gabriel's personality. Rebecca finds out that all of Victor's victims had made a full recovery in the 100 days prior to his murder. At the prevention clinic, Victor subdues Jack and pursues Rebecca after she runs away. Later, Rebecca confesses to Jack that she had previously attempted suicide, which appears to explain why Victor is currently stalking Rebecca.


Victor sends Rebecca recordings of their phone conversations as proof that he counseled Gabriel throughout their relationship. When Victor calls, he makes fun of her by revealing where Gabriel's journal is. Rebecca discovers by reading Gabriel's diary that his wife and daughter perished in a tragic swimming accident, which prompted Gabriel to make several suicide attempts. He tried to commit suicide but couldn't, so he dialed a suicide hotline. Gabriel was taken by Victor and made to look through the joyful victims' photo albums under threat of being shot. Victor describes the essence of his philosophy as follows: He offers to murder Gabriel painlessly in 100 days, and Victor shoots pictures to document the "joy" he thinks he is giving the suicidal man. Rebecca discovers that every victim of Victor's is actually a voluntary participant. Although Gabriel accepted Victor's proposal, he made an impulsive call to Rebecca in order to "find love again."


Rebecca takes sleeping pills after learning the shocking truth about the agreement between Victor, Gabriel, and all of the other victims and barely makes it to the hospital. Rebecca informs Jack that Victor is giving suicidal people a service, so it is unlikely that they will ever find him. Victor enters the medical facility undetected, teasing Rebecca with information about Gabriel's choice and threatening to use her as his next suicide victim. After being released, Rebecca's mental state worsens, and she phones Victor to ostensibly accept his offer. Victor, however, is killed by Rebecca after she shoots him. When Jack discovers Rebecca's evidence of involvement at the crime scene, he chooses not to pursue her. Rebecca is still having trouble, but she is confident in her vow to never commit suicide.

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