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“I Am Legend” Movie Review


“I Am Legend”


Movie Review


I Am Legend is a post-apocalyptic action thriller movie produced in the United States that is partially based on Richard Matheson's book of the same name. Will Smith plays US Army virologist Robert Neville in the Francis Lawrence-directed movie, which was based on a screenplay by Akiva Goldsman and Mark Protosvich. The story takes place in New York City after a virus that was used to treat cancer has killed most of humanity and left only Neville and nocturnal mutants alive. Neville, who is immune to the infection, fights off the hostile mutants while also working to find a cure. Following 1964's The Last Man on Earth and 1971's The Omega Man, this is the third feature-length adaptation of Matheson's book. The movie I Am Legend was released on December 14, 2007, and it garnered generally excellent reviews. Smith's acting was singled out for acclaim, although the film's departures from the book—particularly the ending—were the subject of criticism.


A lethal attempt to genetically modify the measles virus to treat cancer turns out to be a failure, infecting 99% of the world's population and turning those it spares into vampiric, albino, cannibalistic mutants known as Darkseekers, who are incredibly vulnerable to sunlight and prey on the few who are left unaffected.

U.S. Army virologist LTC Robert Neville remains alone in abandoned Manhattan three years after the outbreak, in 2012, not knowing if there are still any healthy people around. In addition to looking for food and supplies, Neville conducts experiments on infected rats to discover a viral cure. He also waits each day for any survivors who might reply to his ongoing recorded radio broadcasts, which direct them to meet him at the South Street Seaport at noon. Flashbacks of his wife, Zoe, and daughter, Marley, who perished in a helicopter crash while Manhattan was being frantically evacuated and the military was quarantining the island. Along several other military members, Neville stayed behind. Samantha, his German Shepherd, is Neville's sole company, and to deal with his isolation, he frequently "talks" to some mannequins and the characters on video store film tapes. He and Sam hide from the Darkseekers at night within his well fortified Washington Square Park mansion.


Sam chases a deer into a dark building one day while Neville is out hunting it. Sam and Neville warily follow her inside where they find the deer's corpse. Neville later learns that the facility is overrun with Darkseekers. The advancing Darkseekers are slain by the sunshine while they both manage to escape unharmed. Neville builds a trap and captures a female Darkseeker after discovering a promising therapy made from his own blood. The sun blocks the male Darkseeker's attempt to catch up with them, and he retreats to the shadows. Neville attempts to treat the woman once more in his laboratory in the basement of his home, but it seems to be unsuccessful.

The following day, Neville accidentally shoots "Fred," a mannequin usually found at the neighborhood video store, who is standing outside Grand Central Terminal. However, Neville becomes aware that the Darkseekers are keeping an eye on him from inside neighboring structures. A trap resembling the one he used to catch the female is set for him as he approaches Fred's body, and he is knocked unconscious as a result. When he awakens, it is already dark, and he is being attacked by sick dogs. Sam gets bitten as Neville and Sam are taking care of them. After giving her a shot of his serum, Neville is forced to strangle her to death as she starts to transform after exhibiting symptoms of infection. The next day, while outside Grand Central Terminal, Neville unintentionally shoots "Fred," a mannequin typically present at the local video store. However, Neville discovers that the Darkseekers are watching him from inside surrounding buildings. As he approaches Fred's body, a trap similar to the one he used to capture the female is placed for him, and as a result, he is rendered comatose. When he wakes up, it is already dark, and sick dogs are attacking him. As Sam and Neville are caring for them, Sam is bitten. Neville must kill her by strangling her to death after giving her a shot of his serum since she begins to morph after displaying illness symptoms. A group of Darkseekers who had been following Anna and Neville the previous night break into the home. Together with the female test subject, Neville, Anna, and Ethan withdraw into the underground laboratory.


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