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“Craving” Movie Review



Movie Review


The cast of the American horror movie Craving includes Rachel Amanda Bryant, Al Gomez, Gregory Blair, Ashley Undercuffler, Kevin Caliber, Holly Rockwell, Xavier Roe, and Felissa Rose. The film is directed by J. Horton. It became available in March 2023.


The movie centers on two heroin addicts who lock themselves inside a small-town tavern after a drug deal goes sour. They must contend with an unknown menace inside the pub that might wipe them out as they experience withdrawal symptoms and are under siege from the outside. Flashbacks that describe how the different characters got to the current standoff are used to tell the plot in large part. Robert Bravo of Bravo FX created the creature designs and special effects.


The movie begins with Thomas Haley and Kim Estes as two police officers walking into a bar littered with dismembered victims. They discover a young lady who is still alive. The previous evening at the pub is chopped off.


Shiloh is a bartender, played by Rachel Amanda Bryant, and Les is Felissa Rose. Gunshots break up what seems to be an ordinary night, and Gail, Frenzy, Lo, Mac, and Will show up there. Armed and dependent, they are being kept inside by someone barricading the bar from the outside. In a tale that is equal parts horror, mystery, and crime thriller, director J. Horton and co-writer Gregory Blair combine aspects of Feast, VFW, From Dusk to Dawn, The Thing, and even The Strangers.

Hunger is a bit of a sluggish burn, despite the enormously large cast which indicates a steady stream of kills. In the present, two plotlines are intensifying the tension: the crew outside, lead by Hunter and Red, has given those within one hour to turn over "the monster," while Gail and company are beginning to twitch from a lack of a fix. In order to further explain the character's history and the connection between the two groups, there are additional flashbacks to the 1980s and 1990s. Well teased out, the remaining details are filled in just in time for the climactic act. Horton and Blair, who plays Travis in the movie, made care to give the spectator appetizers by means of gory shootings, beatings, and knife work along the way, even though that is when most of the killing and the gore occurs. When Desire does finally blow, it's a massacre that lasts for about twenty minutes as the murder begins, the beast is revealed, and everyone's life is in danger. The effects, which include a transition scene and a strikingly original-looking creature, are entirely realistic. In order to fit everything in, Robert Bravo provides so much blood and body parts that the carnage has to go on to the end of the credits. Supported by Sophia Cacciola's cinematography, the exhibition of carnage is amazing.

There isn't much time for anything with such a vast cast and eighty-three minutes of running duration, including credits. The movie Craving certainly lived up to the lofty standards that were set for it by the title. It's a fun movie with a strong buildup and satisfying payoff that should quench your thirst for creature features.



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