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“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery” - Movie Review



“Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery”


Movie Review


An American mystery film titled Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery was written, directed, and produced by Rian Johnson and Ram Bergman. The movie is a continuation of the 2019 movie Knives Out, and Daniel Craig returns as the great investigator Benoit Blanc as he takes on a new investigation involving tech tycoon Miles Bron, played by Edward Norton, and his closest pals. Janelle Monae, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Jessica Henwick, and Dave Bautista are also featured in the cast.


Miles Bron, the wealthy co-founder of the technological business Alpha, holds a murder investigation game at the Glass Onion, his house on a private island in Greece, during the COVID-19 epidemic in May 2020. He invites his five friends, including expelled Alpha co-founder Cassandra "Andi" Brand, former Connecticut governor Claire Debella, controversial fashion designer Birdie Jay, men's rights activist Duke Cody, and Alpha chief scientist Lionel Toussaint. The invitation is hidden inside a wooden puzzle box that the five pals must solve to access it. The five make their way to Miles' island with the help of Birdie's secretary Peg and Duke's lover Whiskey. Benoit Blanc is admitted despite Miles' denials that he invited him, believing that the offer came from another visitor as a joke.


Before supper, Miles puts on exhibit his priceless glass sculptures as well as the Mona Lisa, which is a loan from the Louvre. Miles also discloses that, despite Lionel and Claire's concerns that it is unproven and harmful, the mansion is powered by "Klear," a hydrogen-based alternative fuel that Alpha plans to introduce soon.

Miles' murder mystery game is instantly solved by Blanc, who also quietly informs Miles that his guests are plotting to kill him. After arguing with the others, Andi rushes out of the room. The scared gang believes that Andi poisoned Miles after Duke passes away after drinking from his glass. Although they have been summoned, the cops won't show there until the next morning. When the group notices Duke's pistol is missing, the electricity goes out, and everyone disperses. When Blanc discovers Andi in the shadows, she is shot by an unidentified attacker. The group has gathered, and Blanc announces that he has found the killer of Andi.


During a lengthy flashback, it is revealed that Andi passed just a week prior, ostensibly by suicide. Her twin sister Helen hired Blanc to investigate her passing. Miles ousted Andi from her position as CEO when she suspended the development of Klear at Alpha due to its hazardous qualities; his case was supported by their pals lying under oath to claim that Miles had originally drawn up the Alpha idea on a napkin years earlier. Andi actually designed the napkin; just before she passed away, she sent the group a picture of the original napkin, which she still kept. In order to keep Miles safe, Helen believes one of the group members killed Andi and stole the napkin. Blanc convinced Helen to act as Andi at Miles' party so he could help him with his inquiry while Andi's death was still unsolved.


When it comes to protecting Miles from Andi, Lionel and Claire have staked their reputations on Klear, Miles is financially rescuing Birdie from the effects of sweatshop labor, and Duke is hoping Miles will give him a show on Alpha News, according to Helen, who works with Blanc to identify these motives. Helen discovers that every one of Miles' pals visited Andi's home on the day she passed away. She searches the guests' rooms but is unable to locate the napkin. Andi's journal in her jacket pocket serves as a deflector when Helen is shot. Blanc poses as being dead so that she can search Miles' workplace. Blanc concludes that Miles committed both killings. When he realized Andi had the napkin, he killed her, but Duke saw him drive away from her house after killing her. During the celebration, Duke overheard a news story about Andi's passing and made an effort to blackmail Miles after discovering he was to respond. Then Miles grabbed Duke's gun and shot Helen after poisoning Duke with pineapple juice, to which Duke had a fatal allergy.


When Helen discovers Andi's napkin in Miles' office, she tells the others who she is. However, Miles burns the napkin, wiping off the evidence, and his pals decline to come forward and testify against him. Blanc exits the room after telling Helen that he has done everything he can. Helen shatters Miles' glass sculptures in a fit of catharsis; Miles' pals watch and finally join in. The mansion and the Mona Lisa were destroyed when Helen lit a bonfire and threw a piece of Klear Blanc into it, causing the dangerous substance to explode. The group agrees to testify against Klear since they understand that destroying the picture will show how dangerous he is and will ruin Miles. Helen and Blanc watch as the police boats approach from the shore.

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