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“tHE lAIR”


Director Neil Marshall's film "The Lair," set in the arid, mountainous terrain of war-torn Afghanistan, opens with an adrenaline-pumping battle scene in which superfit US Air Force pilot Kate Sinclair, played by Charlotte Kirk, takes on the mob alone. Gun-wielding terrorists shoot at her from all sides. She somehow manages to outrun everyone, but the bloodthirsty monsters await her deep inside a mysterious dark bunker.

After April 2017, we were initially told that the US Air Force had deployed one of the largest non-nuclear weapons in its arsenal, the MOAB, Mother of All Bombs, but before the explosion, there was an 'unofficial' rumor of a devastating operation in this remote Afghan province, a major insurgent stronghold. The text is enough to pique the audience's immediate interest, and director Marshall gradually gets more intense and bloody with some solid action. He drives the story, loading the script with enough guns, seriousness, and some unpredictable moves. But beyond this, the film would have benefited from more layered writing or storytelling. They make a lazy attempt by showing some flashes of Kate Sinclair's daughter and it just doesn't cut it. Non-stop action of a caricatured monster modeled after Venom. But for some reason, despite its deeply disturbing brutality, it's not scary.

Sure, there are thrills in the first half, but after a point, there are more characters than you can care for and less tension than initially expected. So now it's all about the climax to see who survives this horror and if we can find any logical explanation about these powerful beings. 'The Liar' has above average production values ​​and decent cinematography worthy of a big screen experience.

The performances across the board are very serviceable, as is the script. Charlotte Kirk, co-writer and director Neil Marshall's wife, for some reason, looks invincible in the role of a fierce and fearsome Air Force pilot. Jonathan Howard plays the capable Captain Hook. You will definitely want these two beautiful mainstays for more than just killing the enemy. Apart from the male star Hadi Kanjanpur, Kabir is a smart local who is taken hostage by the US Army.

Featuring a monster who kills blindly and smartly, 'The Liar' scores with its massive action and some intense scenes. So, if you overcome the obvious dangers, you can experience some seriously exciting moments.


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