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“Day Shift” Review!

Director: J.J. Perry

Cast: Jamie Foxx, Meagan Good and Dave Franco.

Director JJ Perry's "Day Shift" is an old-timey vampire horror comedy starring Jamie Foxx as "pool cleaner" Bud Jablonski, who is devastated one night after seeing a man leave a nearby house, encounters two demons, a young man and an old woman. Of course, he kills vampires, and we quickly learn that Bud is no ordinary pool cleaner, he's just his cover because he's a vampire hunter by night. He take their fangs after killing the vampires.

Back in the normal world, Bud has family problems and his ex-wife wants to take their young daughter with her to Florida. She can't afford her daughter's private school fees and the money she needs for braces, and as everyone knows, life in Florida is cheaper and better. Bud offers to find the money if they promise to stay. Bud, who knows all about vampires, tries to sell the horns at a pawn shop, but the money on offer isn't enough. Bud realizes that he needs to return to the Vampire Hunting Union, which will reward him handsomely for his hunt.

Bud helps reunite his friend Big John Elliott (Snoop Dogg). But since Bud's past actions got him fired in the first place, union boss Ralph Seeger (Eric Lang) is reluctant to let him back in, and he's finally convinced, but Bud has to work under very strict conditions, the main one being that he can only work the "day shift". Of course, the best hunting takes place at night, so the day shift does not give good results. Worse, he has to be supervised by Seth (Dave Franco), who is tasked with reporting any transgressions committed by Bud.

Elsewhere, Audrey San Fernando (Carla Sousa), an evil vampire, discovers the vampires that Bud has killed before, wants to go back to a time when humans worshiped vampires like gods, and decides to take Bud down. In a buddy movie between characters Seth and Bud, a father wants to do what's best for his child.

The vampires are all amazing in their antics and fighting skills, there are always multiple contortionists to make things even scarier, and there are different styles of vampires. The differences are mainly due to their horns, which are most valuable to the oldest vampire hunters. There are good vampires too!

Even though it is a horror comedy, large parts of the film are played critically and I felt weird at times, I prefer a full-on comedy, but the comedic moments are very well done. The fight scenes are great, some of the best I've seen in a vampire movie, the special effects are top-notch, and the story, while a bit predictable, moves well and provides a satisfying ending.

The film feels a bit long and would have worked better if shortened to around 90 minutes. Incredible and really fun fight scenes, lots of gore, lots of beheadings, body part pulling, and really imaginative fight scenes. Mainstream critics will hate it, and casual viewers will love it. And that's all you need to know. If you like old-fashioned horror comedies, if you like vampires, this movie is for you!


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